Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bevel Modifier

There's not actually much to explain for this on. We all know what a bevel is, and that's exactly what the Bevel modifier does. It takes the edges of the object and makes it a beveled edge (which creates another edge in the process for each previous edge).


To this...

In order to achieve this effect, all you have to do is add the modifier to the object.

So now start up Blender and select the default cube. Then head over to the Properties window and click on the Modifiers tab. (the wrench icon)

Click on the Add Modifiers drop down and select Bevel from the list of options. (Its in the left column)

There are only a few options for this modifier so I'll explain all of them.

The Width refers to how large the bevel is. Making this value larger will producer a wider value and vice versa.

The Only Vertices option will, if checked on, bevel only at vertices instead of the entire edge.

The Limit Method is a little more complicated. Limit by Angle is useful if you need only sharp edges beveled. What id does is measure the angle between meeting the meeting faces of an edge and if it is larger than the chosen value, it will bevel that edge. If it is not larger, it will leave it alone.

I'm not honestly sure what the weight does. I can't actually create an instance where it does anything at all so I guess I'll have to stop here. I'll be sure to update it as soon as I find out.

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